Survival Seeds was formed with the mission of inspiring people from all walks of life to begin the journey of growing their own food.

The Survival Seeds Story
Survival Seeds sprouted in 2020 from a mix of passion and sheer necessity. I left my stale, corporate marketing job to travel, but Covid-19 put a halt to my plans. Jobless and bored, I turned to my love of growing veggies, only to discover the world had collectively decided to become green thumbs. Seeds were as rare as toilet paper!
I saw an opportunity to do something a bit different in the seed space; I was determined to make the most of this so-called ‘pandemic’. In my brain I conceived an all-in-one veggie garden kit with detailed and useful instructions for beginners - the Survival Seed Tin was born!
Growing A Passion
I created a brand, designed packaging, wrote instructons, made a website and somehow managed to source enough seeds for a handful of tins to test the waters. They were gone quicker than you can say "photosynthesis," and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.
Despite being nowhere near viable financially at this stage, I hoped that with better suppliers and improved packing processes - this little project might just be worth it!
Fast forward to now, and we’re blossoming: We’ve got a bigger range of products, improved instructions, a new website, better suppliers, and we now employ some high school kids to pack most of our seeds for us!
We’re always working hard to grow our little business while keeping our roots humble and our mission clear: to inspire others to grow!
Happy Growing,
Stuart from Survival Seeds