How to Grow Carrots

Botanical Name: Daucus Carota

Carrots (Daucus carota) originate from Iran and Afghanistan. They are root vegetables with orange, purple, red, or yellow varieties. Rich in beta-carotene, vitamins, and fiber, they promote healthy vision and offer a sweet, crunchy taste.

Do you want to know how to grow carrots? If so, let’s dive in.

  • How to Grow Carrots
  • How to Grow Carrots
Planting Guide Image

Carrots Planting Guide


Sow direct

Sowing Depth

5 mm


Cool – Mild


14 – 21 days @ 10 – 30°C

Hardiness / Life Cycle


Row Spacing

20 – 30 cm

Plant Spacing

2 – 5 cm


Full Sun

Days Until Maturity

60 – 90 Days


Blanch then freeze. Pickle or ferment. Layer in sand and keep in cool dry place.

When to Plant Carrots in Australia

What growing
region am I in?
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Cool Plantable in Jan Plantable in Feb Plantable in Sep Plantable in Oct Plantable in Nov Plantable in Dec
Mild Plantable in Jan Plantable in Feb Plantable in Mar Plantable in Apr Plantable in May Plantable in Sep Plantable in Oct Plantable in Nov Plantable in Dec
Sub-Tropical Plantable in Feb Plantable in Mar Plantable in Apr Plantable in May Plantable in Jun Plantable in Jul Plantable in Aug Plantable in Sep Plantable in Oct Plantable in Nov
Tropical Plantable in Feb Plantable in Mar Plantable in Apr Plantable in May Plantable in Jun Plantable in Jul Plantable in Aug Plantable in Sep Plantable in Oct Plantable in Nov
Arid Plantable in Jan Plantable in Feb Plantable in Mar Plantable in Apr Plantable in May Plantable in Jun Plantable in Jul Plantable in Aug Plantable in Sep Plantable in Oct Plantable in Nov Plantable in Dec
Cool Mild Sub-Tropical Tropical Arid
Jan Plantable in Jan Plantable in Jan Plantable in Jan
Feb Plantable in Feb Plantable in Feb Plantable in Feb Plantable in Feb Plantable in Feb
Mar Plantable in Mar Plantable in Mar Plantable in Mar Plantable in Mar
Apr Plantable in Apr Plantable in Apr Plantable in Apr Plantable in Apr
May Plantable in May Plantable in May Plantable in May Plantable in May
Jun Plantable in Jun Plantable in Jun Plantable in Jun
Jul Plantable in Jul Plantable in Jul Plantable in Jul
Aug Plantable in Aug Plantable in Aug Plantable in Aug
Sep Plantable in Sep Plantable in Sep Plantable in Sep Plantable in Sep Plantable in Sep
Oct Plantable in Oct Plantable in Oct Plantable in Oct Plantable in Oct Plantable in Oct
Nov Plantable in Nov Plantable in Nov Plantable in Nov Plantable in Nov Plantable in Nov
Dec Plantable in Dec Plantable in Dec Plantable in Dec
What growing
region am I in?

Growing Carrots

Carrots are not only a nutritious addition to your meals but also a rewarding vegetable to grow in your own garden. With their vibrant colours and sweet flavours, homegrown carrots can elevate your culinary experience.

Whether you have a backyard, a raised bed, or limited space in containers, this article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to grow carrots in Australia. From planting to harvest, we’ll cover all the essential information you need to know.

When to Plant Carrots in Australia

In Australia, the optimal time to plant carrots depends on your specific location and the climate zone you’re in. Generally, carrots prefer cool to mild temperatures and thrive in well-drained soil. Here are some general guidelines for different regions:


  • Tropical and Subtropical Regions: In these areas, the best time to plant carrots is during the cooler months, typically from March to August.


  • Temperate Regions: Carrots can be grown year-round in temperate regions with mild winters. However, the ideal time for planting is during spring and autumn when the soil is warmer.


  • Cool and Alpine Regions: In cooler areas, plant carrots in spring and early summer when the soil temperature is above 7°C (45°F). It’s essential to avoid sowing during frosty periods.

How Long Do Carrots Take to Grow

Carrots are a relatively slow-growing crop, requiring patience and care. On average, carrots take approximately 60 to 80 days from sowing to harvest. However, this timeframe can vary depending on the carrot variety and growing conditions. Some quick-maturing varieties can be ready for harvest in as little as 50 days.

How to Grow Carrots from Seed

  1. Prepare the Soil: Choose a sunny location and ensure the soil is well-drained, loose, and free from rocks. Carrots prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Remove any debris and weeds, and work the soil to a depth of at least 30 cm (12 inches).


2.Sow the Seeds: Create furrows or shallow trenches about 6 – 8 mm (1/4 inch) deep. Sow the carrot seeds thinly, aiming for a spacing of about 5 cm (2 inches) between each seed. Cover the seeds lightly with soil and water gently.


3.Watering and Thinning: Keep the soil consistently moist but avoid overwatering, as this can cause the seeds to rot. Once the seedlings emerge, thin them out to provide adequate space for growth. Thin the plants to a spacing of 5 – 10 cm (2 to 4 inches) between each carrot.


4.Maintenance: Regularly weed the area around the carrots to prevent competition for nutrients. Mulching can also help retain moisture and suppress weed growth. Water deeply once a week, ensuring the soil remains evenly moist.


5.Harvesting: Depending on the variety, harvest carrots when they reach the desired size and colour. Gently loosen the soil around the carrot before pulling it out to avoid breaking the foliage. Enjoy the sweet rewards of your labour!

How to Grow Carrots from Carrot Tops

Growing carrots from carrot tops is an exciting and educational project, especially for children.

While the resulting plants will not produce full-sized carrots, they can still be a fun addition to your indoor garden. Here’s how to do it:


  1. Prepare the Carrot Tops: Cut off the tops of the carrots, leaving about 1 inch of the green foliage attached. Place the carrot tops in a shallow dish or saucer filled with water, making sure the cut end is submerged.


2.Root Development: Change the water every few days, ensuring it remains at a consistent level. Within a week or two, you should see roots emerging from the base of the carrot tops.


3.Planting the Tops: Once the roots have developed, prepare small pots or containers with well-draining soil. Plant the carrot tops in the soil, burying the roots and leaving the foliage above the surface.


4.Maintenance: Place the pots in a sunny location, such as a windowsill or balcony, and water the soil regularly to keep it moist. Ensure the plants receive adequate sunlight for healthy growth.


5.Enjoy the Greens: While these plants won’t produce full-sized carrots, you can enjoy the tender carrot greens by adding them to salads, soups, or as garnishes for your dishes.

How to Grow Carrots in Containers

Even if you have limited garden space, you can still grow carrots in containers. Here’s how:


  1. Choose the Right Container: Select a deep container, at least 30 cm (12 inches) deep, to accommodate the carrot’s long taproot. Ensure the container has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.


3.Soil Preparation: Use a high-quality potting mix or create a blend of compost, sand, and potting soil. Fill the container, leaving about an inch of space below the rim.


4.Sow the Seeds: Sow the carrot seeds thinly, following the spacing guidelines provided on the seed packet. Gently cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil and water carefully.


5.Maintenance: Place the container in a sunny spot that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. Keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering. Regularly check for pests and diseases.


6.Harvesting: Once the carrots have reached the desired size, gently loosen the soil around them and pull them out. Enjoy the crisp and flavorful carrots fresh from your container garden.

Growing Carrots in Raised Beds

Raised beds offer several advantages for carrot cultivation, including improved soil drainage and a more controlled environment.

Here’s a simple guide to growing carrots in raised beds:


  1. Bed Construction: Build or prepare your raised bed to a depth of at least 30 cm (12 inches). Use untreated timber, bricks, or other suitable materials. Ensure the bed is wide enough to provide ample growing space for carrots.


2.Soil Preparation: Fill the raised bed with a well-balanced mix of compost, garden soil, and organic matter. Aim for a loose and well-drained soil texture that allows the carrots to develop straight and deep.


3.Planting: Sow the carrot seeds directly into the raised bed, following the recommended spacing provided on the seed packet. Cover the seeds lightly with soil and water gently.


4.Maintenance: Keep the soil consistently moist by watering regularly, especially during dry periods. Monitor for weeds and remove them promptly to prevent competition for nutrients.


5.Harvesting: Once the carrots have matured and reached the desired size, gently loosen the soil around them and carefully pull them out. Enjoy the delicious taste of homegrown carrots.


Growing carrots in Australia can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, whether you have a spacious garden, limited space in containers, or opt for raised beds. By understanding the optimal planting times, seed sowing techniques, and appropriate maintenance, you can successfully cultivate this versatile vegetable. Embrace the joy of growing your own carrots and savour the fresh, flavourful produce straight from your garden. Happy gardening!